The consistent focus of the trade fair on the joining/bonding process chain through bonding, potting, sealing and foaming makes it the ideal platform for Rehm in the areas of conformal coating and dispensing. This topic is also the subject of the Blaubeuren-based company's new attendance seminar:
Under the title "Protecting electronics from A to Z", Rehm will be providing information on November 29 in Blaubeuren on how to ensure sustainable PCB protection for electronic components.
As the leading trade fair for industrial bonding technology, Bondexpo Stuttgart is not only a trend-setting industry get-together, but also a showcase for the latest state of the art as well as the future of
bonding, joining and connection technology. As a supplier of high-performance coating and dispensing solutions, it was therefore only logical for Rehm Thermal Systems to be present and to be available for personal discussions: An offer that was also taken up by customers and interested parties in 2022. "We attracted the attention of numerous customers who already knew us from the reflow soldering sector, but who were not aware that we also offer an extensive portfolio of high-performance dispensing and painting systems. This has resulted in concrete inquiries, not least from the medical equipment sector," says Bernd Marquardt, responsible for the Rehm Thermal Systems booth, confirming the success of the presentation.
The ProtectoXC, which was specially installed at the booth with a modern look, provided the necessary attention. The compact, high-performance coating system combines precise material application with intuitive, user-friendly software and is the system of choice especially for users who have to process a rather low throughput. "The intelligent programming as well as the flexibility in material feed and the various applicators make flexible and complex coating of a wide variety of assemblies possible," Bernd Marquardt specifies the advantages of the system.
Seminar: Protecting electronics from A to Z (German)
29.11.2022 / Rehm Thermal Systems GmbH, Blaubeuren
The new attendance seminar "Protecting electronics from A to Z" also focuses on the topic of conformal coating. In it, Rehm Thermal Systems provides information on the basics and diversity of coating technology, right through to failure analysis of the coated product. You will learn how to ensure sustainable PCB protection for your electronic components by means of conformal coating and have the opportunity to get to know today's requirements for M2M communication of a production line as well as its networking and the traceability of assemblies on a live coating line.
Präsenzseminar: Elektronik schützen von A bis Z (Deutsch)
29.11.2022 / Rehm Thermal Systems GmbH, Blaubeuren
Ebenfalls unter dem Themenschwerpunkt Conformal Coating steht das neue Präsenzseminar „Elektronik schützen von A bis Z“. Darin informiert Rehm Thermal Systems über die Grundlagen und Vielfalt der Beschichtungstechnologie bis hin zur Fehleranalyse des beschichteten Produkts. Sie erfahren, wie Sie mittels Conformal Coating nachhaltigen Leiterplattenschutz für Ihre Elektronikkomponenten sicherstellen und haben live die Möglichkeit, an einer Beschichtungslinie die heutigen Anforderungen an die M2M-Kommunkation einer Produktionslinie sowie deren Vernetzung und die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Baugruppen (Traceability) kennenzulernen.